The 3M™ Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+ is a thin one-part composite system designed to firestop blank openings and larger penetrations such as cable trays and conduit and HVAC ductwork through rated construction.When properly installed, the 3M Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+ provides up to 4 hours of fire protection in tested and listed systems. This intumescent, lightweight firestop is easy to handle and install with common trade tools - just cut to form, fit and then fasten using a drill with self-tapping screws or anchor bolts. This composite sheet meets current International Building Code (IBC) and other key life safety code requirements. When properly installed, this product helps prevent the spread of fire, smoke and noxious gases.
Industrial Subtype:
Firestop Pillows, Sheets and Wraps
Overall Height (Imperial):
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Overall Width (Imperial):
Unit of Use - Customary Net Weight:
Unit of Use - Item Quantity:
Unit of Use - Total Unit Quantity:
Other Details
Cut and form to desired shape
Easy to install using common trade tools
Firestop tested for up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479)
Intumesces (expands with heat) to form a hard char that tightly seals penetrations against flame spread
Re-enterable for new or retrofit installations
Thermally conductive to allow unwanted heat build-up to escape
UL classified (meets code requirements)